ASEM Doctoral School, in partnership with universities from Romania, Spain and Ukraine, invites you to the 6th edition of the IDSC-2025 International Conference.
The event brings together doctoral and postdoctoral students to share research results and innovative solutions, while also providing doctoral and postdoctoral students the opportunity to share their research results and stimulate the exchange of research results at international level.
The event focuses on the following knowledge domains: economics, accounting, auditing and economic analysis, informatics, cybernetics, logistics and supply chain management, finance, innovation, entrepreneurship, sociology, legal sciences, agriculture, environment, health, tourism, etc., all aiming at structuring, substantiating, testing and applying new methods and strategies for research-development-innovation. Inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary research is encouraged and welcomed.
Conference Language: English.
We invite you to contribute to the development of knowledge through research and innovation!
Previous editions of the IDSC International Scientific Conference can be found at the following link:
930-1000 | Register |
1000-1020 | Opening of the Conference |
1020-1230 | Working Session 1 |
1230-1300 | Lunch break |
1300-1700 | Working Session 2 |
1700-1730 | Discussions & Closing |
May 01, 2025 – Registration deadline. Access the link to register for the conference: IDSC-2025 – Google Forms
May 05, 2025 – Full paper submission (following the paper formatting requirements – Download TEMPLATE here). The volume of scientific articles should not exceed 10 pages.
All the articles should be written in English.
Size: A4, 2.0×2.0×2.0x2.0. Times New Roman; spacing – 1.0.
The graphic elements (tables and figures) must be of high quality, they will be placed, directly after the respective reference in the text. All tables and figures must be accompanied by the name and number (at the beginning of the table, below the figure), the source and if necessary additional information: footnotes (below the item).
All papers should be sent to the following email address:
May 10, 2025 – Acceptance and announcement of the Conference Agenda
May 16, 2025 – International Scientific Student Conference (Online).
The accepted papers (after double-blind peer review) will be published in the Selected Conference Proceedings.
The Conference papers will be registered in the National Bibliometric Tool and in the Institutional Repository of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova – IREK.
Each accepted paper included in the volume of Selected Conference Proceedings will receive a unique DOI code.